Micha Bar-Am and Israeli Life

bar-am_micha_181_2002Micha Bar-Am, Kibbutz Givat-Haim (Ihud), 1973 (181.2002)

bar-am_micha_180_2002Micha Bar-Am, Opening night, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, 1966 (180.2002)

bar-am_micha_197_2002Micha Bar-Am, Parade, Beersheva, 1973 (197.2002)

bar-am_micha_186_2002Micha Bar-Am, Arab Wedding, Peqi’in, Galilee, 1966 (186.2002)

bar-am_micha_182_2002Micha Bar-Am, Train to Jerusalem, 1970 (182.2002)

Micha Bar-Am is an Israeli photographer who has documented Israeli wars and conflicts for over fifty years. His work is published in countless books, magazines, and newspapers including the Israeli magazine Bama Hana, Life, and the New York Times. He is a member of Magnum Photos, and his work has been shown in museums and galleries internationally.

Much of Bar-Am’s photography follows the action of the Israeli Army; he often documented from the soldiers’ perspective. These images are sometimes hard to view, as they portray combat, death, and destruction. Bar-Am’s larger portfolio, however, includes many photographs taken of Israeli men and women attempting to live relatively normal lives despite the ongoing emotionally and physically damaging repercussions of the conflicts. These photographs have become evidence of the humanity that continued to exist through war and a constantly changing political landscape.

About kaitlinvaughan

Currently a graduate student at Columbia University, studying Photography Theory, Museum Studies, and Anthropology; I'm slowly learning how to live in and love New York City...
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