Nelson Mandela

Jürgen Schadeberg, Nelson Mandela, Treason Trial, 1958 (2012.84.1)

Jürgen Schadeberg, [ANC President JS Moroka, leader of the ANC Youth League, Nelson Mandela, and Yusuf Dadoo President of the South African Indian Congress, meeting outside Johannesburg Courtroom during the Defiance Campaign Trial, Johannesburg], 1952 (2014.32.1)

Jürgen Schadeberg, [Nelson Mandela with Ruth First at the ANC Congress, Bloemfontein, South Africa], December 1951 (2014.32.2)

Nelson Mandela (1918-2013), born on this day, 99 years ago, in 1918.

An early leader in the nonviolent protest movement was Nelson Mandela (1918–2013), who was imprisoned for 27 years and in 1994 became the first democratically elected president of South Africa. In this rare photograph from December 1951, the 33-year-old lawyer Mandela is shown meeting with journalist and activist Ruth First (1925–1982) at the first convention of the African National Congress (ANC), where the anti-apartheid Defiance Campaign was originally conceived and planned. The historic press image was taken by German-born photojournalist Jürgen Schadeberg (b. 1931) for the South African cultural magazine Drum, where, as picture editor, he covered the apartheid years and employed outlawed black photographers like Ernest Cole and Peter Magubane. For his distinguished 60-year career in photography, much of it documenting the life of Nelson Mandela and the modern cultural history of South Africa, in 2014 Schadeberg was awarded ICP’s highest honor, the Cornell Capa Lifetime Achievement Award. Source: Fansinaflashbulb

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“Clumsy boxes with huge horns under the name ‘Singing Cupid.'”

Before the revolution, strictly speaking, the bicycle had no significance for practical purposes. It existed entirely as an amusement but not as a means of travel. The frightful roads, the cobblestone streets of the towns, simply made the bicycle into a burden. It was the privilege of the few who could seek out and choose a place to ride.
The material basis founded by the growing socialist system of our country made it possible to replace the cobble stones of the towns by gleaming asphalt. In place of the muddy village paths there are now many miles of excellent tarred road. Roads and the growing cultural demands of the toilers of the USSR determined the fate of the bicycle.

The bicycle has come to the masses.
In place of foreign makes, there are now soviet makes: “Kharkov”, “Penza”, “Moscow” bicycle factories. in the USSR bicycles can now be seen everywhere, and the vast majority of them are of soviet manufacture.
The bicycle is no longer something for the town alone. It has made its way into the collective farm villages and into parts of the vast Soviet Union where the very existence of such things was previously unknown.

One of the automatic lathe shops, fitted up according to the most modern technique.

The “M.V.Z.” (Moscow Bicycle Factory). it is one of the most popular makes among cyclists.

Clocks are instruments for calculation.

In many big cities of the Soviet Union, clocks have been set up in all the squares and at busy crossings.

Railway station clocks.
The clock in the workshop helps to judge the intensity of the work.
The factory clock hangs at the entrance where the workers clock in to the factory.
The dispatcher on the metro underground railway regulates traffic by the clock.
Time and space are measured simultaneously on automobiles.
At the sport stadiums, not only are minutes precious, but seconds and fractions of seconds.
The street clocks dispel every doubt as to the actual time.
The doctor measures the pulse of a patient by his watch.
The first aid wagon reckons its time by minutes and seconds.
The fire brigades count minutes.
Schoolchildren go to school by their watches.

Dubinushka (Russian Laborers’ Song), by Feodor Chaliapin, 1925, from

A portable gramophone manufactured by the Leningrad factory.

The gramophone industry that came to us after the October revolution was a handicraft industry, in a semi-ruined condition. It was only in 1924-1925 that the organization of the production began in the USSR. In 1928–1929 only about 1,500 gramophones were made, the number rising in 1931 to 15,000 and in 1932 to 25,000. During the first five year plan about 6,000,000 records were made. But both gramophones and the records were of poor quality. Their number was also utterly inadequate to cope with the growing demand. On September 23, 1933 the central committee of the CPSU decided on measures to improve and develop the gramophone industry. A special gramophone trust was organized under the commissariat of heavy industry. On the decision of the central committee the old factory in Leningrad was re-equipped and a new one built at Kolomensk, and in 1935 the output will be 140,00 gramophones. In 1937 A new factory will be ready in Vladimir. After it starts to work the manufacture of gramophones will reach 1,5000,000 annually.

Portable gramophones are very popular. in the course of a few years they have penetrated everywhere.

The people of Uzbekistan love to listen to the gramophone.

Portable gramophones are pleasant on boating trips.

Crews who are wintering in the Arctic like them.

The traditional concertina and the portable gramophone.

The collective farmers of the Kalmykov farm, North Caucasus, listen to the music of a portable gramophone in the dinner interval.

“The Hobo”, by Lilia Chernova; B. Poliakoff; N. Shishko, from

The main conveyor at the Leningrad factory. Assembling electric gramophones.

The mechanism of the portable gramophone, assembled in a metal case, is carefully tested.

Every part of the works is tested with the same care.

Gramophone factory, now being built at Vladimir.

“Down The Petersky (Moscow Street Song)”, by Feodor Chaliapin, from

The new gramophone works in Kolomensk. The automatic lathe shop.
Assembling the reproducer and fixing he arm.

“Red Army Nurse’s Song”, by Z. Fedorova; B. Shebalin, from

Registering the sound is one of the most complicated processes in the reproduction of sound by a gramophone. It was only recently that a sound recording chamber was equipped in accordance with modern technique at the Aprelov factory. Every sound has its own “handwriting,” which the apparatus writes on the record. A metallic matrix is made which is a negative of the voice. The sound is preserved for ever in this metal matrix. A thousand years hence, our descendants will hear the voice of Lenin, or Stalin.

Comrade Lenin at the sound recording apparatus delivering a speech on the “Work of the Transport System.” [This recording can be heard here.]

Record of Lenin’s speech.
[Almost ten of Lenin’s speeches, from gramophone records, can be heard here]

View of the sound recording centre which is being built in Moscow. This centre will be ready in 1938 and will register over 2,000 records per year.

“Gypsy Wine Song”, by Lilia Chernova; B. Poliakoff, from

USSR in Construction, No. 7, July 1935 (2012.13.24)

Records have to be made to satisfy the most varied demands and tastes of Soviet users. Some people like opera and classical music, others prefer concert solos, others again demand dance music. Collective farmers from the Ukraine will seek Novi Viter Na Ukrainu, while the Caucasian mountaineers want the music of the Naur Lesginka dance.
Records have not only to suit all tastes, but to suit the needs of the numerous races and nationalities of the country.

In the sound recording cabinet. (1) The Negress singer Anderson; (2) I. Kozlovsky, tenor from the Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow; (3) People’s artist [Antonina Vasilievna] Nezhdandova, accompanied by orchestra conducted by Golovanov; (4) David Oistrakh, the violinist who took second prize at the international violin contest in Warsaw.
Everything these masters of art perform is imprinted on the metal and remains forever for future generations.

82 years ago this month, in July 1935, this beautiful and great, really great, edition of USSR in Construction was published in Moscow. The “plan and text” were by J. Belski, art composition by N. Troshin, photos by M. Alpert and A. Shaikhet, diagram by Z. Deineka, and English translation by G.M. Kingston. This volume of “modernist propaganda” highlights the remarkable growth of the production and consumption of three nascent Soviet industries, watches, bicycles and gramophones, that were making the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics great again.

“Red Army Nurses Arrive at The Front,” by Z. Fedorova, from


It is not so long since watches, bicycles, and gramophones were exclusively imported. Watches bore the name “Longines” or “Suta”, bicycles were marked “B.S.A.” or “Royal”, gramophones were “His Master’s Voice” or “Columbia”. There were no Russian trade marks or hardly any, and what is of paramount importance, they had no established reputation on the market.
Nowadays, portable gramophones have names such as “Tizpribor”, Kolomensky factory, Leningrad, Yaroslav, etc., and these names are beginning to sound with the same authority as “His Master’s Voice” and other imported makes, while the “Tochmekh” watches are as strong and accurate as their western confreres. These three young branches of industry had to fight simultaneously for quality and quantity of output to meet the tremendously increased demands of the consumers. The diagram plainly shows how the manufacture of watches, bicycles, and gramophones has developed in the Soviet Union in recent years.

There were no plants producing watches, bicycles or gramophones in Russia. the only bicycle plant was in Riga. it made heavy, clumsy bicycles with the trade mark “Russia”, and they could not compete with foreign makes like “B.S.A.”, “Royal”, “Wanderer”, “Triumph”, etc. in Riga there was also a gramophone factory producing clumsy boxes with huge horns under the name “Singing Cupid”. There were two or three workshops in Leningrad assembling watches from parts bought abroad. that was all. The October revolution caused a tremendous cultural upsurge in the country. The industrialization of the country, the collectivization of agriculture, created a firm and powerful material basis for the development of all forms of industry. As the proletarians of the towns and the collective farmers in the villages received new houses, material security of existence and new conditions of life, they began to make new cultural demands. Millions of workers and collective farmers, now living cultured and well-to-do lives, demand articles of cultural service – watches, gramophones, bicycles, etc. these three young branches of Soviet industry were created very recently. They are still in the period of improvement and experiment. We had to start, practically, at the very beginning in all these spheres, and we can nevertheless point to considerable successes at the present day.
the 1st and 2nd state clock factories are in Moscow. They make 170,000 watches, 3,600,000 kitchen clocks, 440,000 alarm clocks, 75,000 table clocks, 25,000 wall clocks and 1,500 electric street clocks every year. both factories were built only recently. In a brief space, the workers and engineers had to master an absolutely new, very complicated and difficult industry. A watch passes through hundreds of extremely complicated processes in the course of its manufacture. The slightest inaccuracy, the slightest carelessness is impermissible here. The most trifling error on the watch conveyor spells death to the watches. After the reconstruction of the 1st watch factory, it will produce 400,000 watches per year.

USSR in Construction, No. 7, July 1935 (2012.13.24)

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Bastille Day, 2017

Lucien Aigner, Entertainment of children on Bastille Day in Paris, 1934 (339.1982)

Lucien Aigner, Boulevard St. Martin on Bastille Day, Paris, 1937 (318.1982)

Henri Cartier-Bresson, Bastille Day, Paris, ca. 1936 (336.1994)

Roman Vishniac, [Bastille Day celebrations, rue du Faubourg-Montmartre, Paris], 1939 (2012.80.3)

Voila, July 18, 1936 (2007.71.17)

Regards, “Vive la Nation”, July 13, 1939, (2007.71.133)

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Roslyn High School students in PM newspaper

Skippy Adelman, Evelyn Winnike, 14, takes some popcorn from Bob Preston. Only a freshman, he is a power in school politics, ca. 1944 (2013.115.362)

Alexander DeSouza, intern, International Center of Photography, Collections Department

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Coney Island at Noon: Independence Day, 2017

Weegee, [Crowd at Coney Island beach, Brooklyn], July 4, 1942 (2044.1993)

75 years ago today Weegee made these images of a sea of people standing on the sand at Coney Island on Saturday, July 4th, 1942. “Looking northwest, from Bushman Baths (on the far right) to the Ferris wheel at Steeplechase Park [the Funny Place] and the Parachute Jump [262-foot-high, placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1980], which was moved from the 1939 World’s Fair [at Flushing Meadows in Queens, NY] to Coney Island in 1940.” (Weegee Guide to New York, pp. 400-401.) The three subtly different versions are from three different sources: an original gelatin silver print printed by Weegee, a copy negative, and the first usage of the photo in print – a full page in PM. (The existence of different versions of a well-known photo is not uncommon.) Weegee made photos of the summer-hot-weather multitudes at Coney Island since at least 1939 (see: Extra! Weegee, p. 51). This image is a little more mysterious and ominous, the people more pensive, (perhaps reflecting the influence of World War Two) than his famous photo (perhaps made under the influence of a few frankfurters, beer, root beer, malted milk, buttermilk, and cigars) of an exuberant Coney throng waving during a heat wave, published in PM on July 22, 1940: “Yesterday at Coney Island… Temperature 89… They Came Early, Stayed Late.

Weegee, [Crowd at Coney Island beach, Brooklyn], July 4, 1942

PM, July 5, 1942, p. 7

Coney Island At Noon Saturday:
The crowd came later, according to Weegee, who wanted a photo that showed some beach and not too many people. The masked man said he was a laundry man, but would only be photographed incognito. The mask is a gag of his; he calls himself the Spider, and likes to frighten people. Weegee didn’t get the names and addresses of the others in the photo, either. PM Photo by Weegee. PM, July 5, 1942.

Weegee's New York, (The Travelogue with a Heart), photographed by Weegee, 1948.

Happy Independence Day.

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Bloomsday, 2017

Berenice Abbott (1898-1991), James Joyce, 1928 (116.1984)

Berenice Abbott, at ICP on November 11, 1981, showing slides and speaking about photographing James Joyce in her studio with natural light, her admiration for and the elegance of James Joyce, about the time when she ran into Joyce in the street and he told her about his fear of lightning, about the beauty of Nora Barnacle’s voice, and more.

(A photography-related passage from Ulysses: Buck Mulligan and Stephen Dedalus speaking by the sea, in a not-so-subtle reference to Bloom’s progeny, Millicent: “… Still there? I got a card from Bannon. Says he found a sweet young thing down there. Photo girl he calls her. Snapshot, eh? Brief exposure…”)

Today is Bloomsday, the day when most of Ulysses takes place, and the day in 1904 when James Joyce first went for a walk with Nora Barnacle.

Berenice Abbott (1898-1991), Nora Barnacle, 1927 (120.1984)

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Flag Day, 2017

Unidentified Photographer, [Unidentified World War One soldier against a United States flag background], ca. 1910s (DA.1B33.22)

Unidentified Photographer, [Soldier sitting on bench in front of United States flag], ca. 1930s-50s (DA.1B31.91)

Unidentified Photographer, [Soldier in front of United States flag], ca. 1940s (711.1990)

Unidentified Photographer, [Unidentified woman with United States flag in background], ca. 1910 (1034.1990)

Unidentified Photographer, [Unidentified girl with United States flag], ca. 1885 (2007.54.16)

Unidentified Photographer, [U.S. Marine, United States flag in background], ca. 1920 (1083.1990)

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“The easiest kind of a job to cover was a murder because the stiff would be laying on the ground, he couldn’t get up and be temperamental…”

Famous Photographers Tell How, Candid Recordings, 1958

Some of the photos Weegee speaks about and their original published context:

Weegee (1899-1968), [Ballerina Marina Franca in her peacock costume at the Cinderella Ball, Waldorf Astoria, New York], April 18, 1941 (15700.1993)

Weegee Photographs Society at the Waldorf
By Weegee
Why, I don’t know; but I was assigned to cover the Cinderella Ball.
“Get plenty of fashion pictures,” was the editor’s parting shot.
So I found Ilka Chase, who talks about fashions on the radio, and asked her:
How does a police reporter go about describing fashions?”
“Just write down what you see,” she told me.
She had on a tomato-red dress, trimmed with white. In front was a pocket – something like the pouch on a kangaroo – that held real red and white carnations.
One exotic girl kept running in and out of the dressing room. She was dressed like a chicken but needed her peacock tail. Only a mechanic could fasten it on. He arrived just in time to save the show. All the women had that after-the-beauty-parlor look- DOUBLE STRENGTH. Even the cigaret girls looked Park Avenue. And while the couples danced they just left their gold pocketbooks and furs at the tables. I didn’t see any signs about checking valuables with the cashier.
PM, April 18, 1941, Vol. II, No. 2189, pp. 16-17

Weegee (1899-1968), Balcony Seats at a Murder, November 16, 1939 (2056.1993)

Murder in New York
After dusk on Nov. 16 Angelo Greco stood smoking outside his cafe in Manhattan’s Little Italy. Emerging from the darkness, a man drew a gun, fired four shots, fled into the night. Greco tumbled dead in his doorway. From windows above, heads popped out. Police cars screamed into the street. Close in their wake arrived Arthur Fellig, famed free-lance photographer (LIFE, April 12, 1937) who sleeps behind police headquarters, has a short-wave radio in his car. He listened briefly while neighborhood folk stolidly disclaimed knowledge of the murderer, then stepped back and photographed this dramatic scene.
Life, November 27 1939, p. 27

Street Scene in New York
After the guns ceased barking and the gunmen fled, neighbors peered from the fire escape and almost every window last night for a glimpse of the body of Anthony Greco, slain in front of his own cafe at [10 Prince St.]
New York Post, November 17, 1939

Weegee (1899-1968), “I Cried When I Took This Picture,” Ms. Henrietta Torres and Her Daughter Ada Watch as Another Daughter and Her Son Die in Fire, December 15, 1939, (Portfolio 18)

Mother and Son Die in B’klyn Fire
Mrs. Henrietta Torres and her daughter, Ada, photographed just after they were rescued from a two-alarm fire at 41 Bartlett Street, Brooklyn, early today. Mrs. Ramonia Malave and her son, Edward, relatives of Mrs. Torres, were brought down later – dead.
New York Post, December 15, 1939

Weegee (1899-1968), [Man sleeping on pavement in front of Dunhill Funeral Home, New York], July 13, 1941 (2193.1993)

New York After Midnight
Amsterdam Ave. in the 90’s, 6 a.m.: He’s sleeping it off. There’s a pavement sleeper on almost every block after the bars close, Weegee says, “but why pick a funeral home, unless 711 is his lucky number?”
PM, July 13, 1941, Vol. II, No. 4, pp. 62

It is now almost six in the morning… it is still dark… but the church is open… and the early morning worshipers find solace inside… except for this tired Sunday traveler who, a few blocks away, finds a resting place underneath the canopy at number 711 Amsterdam Ave.… This avenue is full of saloons, and they are called just that… no fancy foreign names like Cocktail Lounges… So sleep on stranger… no one will bother you… not even the cops… Sunday is a good day for sleeping – so is any other day – when one is tired. Naked City, 1945, p. 19

Weegee (1899-1968), [Alfred Stieglitz in the office of his gallery, An American Place, New York], May 7, 1944 (Portfolio 26)

Weegee meets a great man
Weegee brought in a photograph of an old man sitting on a cot, his hands in his lap. Weegee is the cigar-smoking, crime, fire and seamy-side-of-life photographer who lives across the street from police headquarters and does his best work from midnight on.
“This is Stieglitz, Alfred Stieglitz, ” said Weegee. “He’s a great photographer. They called him the Old Master of the Camera in the Saturday Evening Post, [Thomas Craven, “Stieglitz – Old Master of the Camera,” Saturday Evening Post, 216 No.28, January 8, 1944] a couple of months ago.
“For me he is the answer to a question I ask myself sometimes,” said Weegee. “Hundreds of photographers, amateur and professional, including myself are trying to get recognition.
“It’s so tough and impossible that sometimes it makes your heart ache. This Alfred Stieglitz, he became famous both in Europe and America – one of the three, four greatest photographers.

One day he spoke
“On Madison Avenue, in the fifties, you can see him any morning, walking alone, an old man in a black hat. No one bothers to look at him. Just another character. I’ve noticed him many times, walking as if in a trance. I wanted to talk to him, but I was afraid to disturb him. Finally, one day I did. I walked up to him and said, “You Stieglitz?” He stared at me as though I had woken him from a dream. I told him my name. You know, I thought maybe he had read about me in PM or in the camera magazines. He told me he never read about other people or himself.
Stieglitz invited Weegee to his gallery…
“His gallery is called An American Place,” said Weegee. [509 Madison Avenue, Room 1710, more info]“The name was printed on the door. When he opened it, there was a strong smell of disinfectant, like in a sick room and it was fitted up with paintings hung on the wall.
“There was cubbyhole at the back of the gallery, with a cot in it, and Stieglitz slumped down on it, too exhausted to take his cape off. He started to talk, the most famous photographer in the world, the man who sponsored unknown painters and sculptors who are famous today.
“Stieglitz pointed to a phone near his cot. It never rings, he said. I have been deserted. The paintings on the wall are orphans. No one comes up to see them!
“He was a failure, he told me,” said Weegee, “and others were successful because they had wanted money, because they were politicians, showmen. He himself had not made a photograph in 10 years, and he had never used the products of Eastman Kodak because of their slogan You push a button. We’ll do the rest.”

He cried himself to sleep
“He told me: I am 81 years old. The happiest time in my life was in Berlin, at the turn of the century, when it was free. When I returned to America, I used to cry myself to sleep every night for two years thinking of the dirty streets here.
“I looked around the studio and asked Stieglitz how he lived, how he paid the rent… The rent and the expenses for the studio, about $4000 [approximately $53,345.91 in 2015] a year, were contributed by the artists when they sold any of their paintings and other interested individuals.
“Suddenly he slumped over in pain. My heart. It’s bad. He said it in a whisper as he slumped over on the cot. I hung around there for a while, waiting until he recovered. And then left quietly and shut the glass door with the words painted on it, AN AMERICAN PLACE.
“It doesn’t seem right that such a great artist should have such a little reward,” said Weegee.
PM, May 7, 1944, Vol. I, No. 277, p. M3

Excerpts of Weegee’s portion of the “Famous Photographers Tell How” LP were first posted on-line on the Weegee’s World website, in 1997. Seen here on the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine. By 1958, when the record was released, it had been over a dozen years since Weegee, “a perfectionist,” stopped making the photos that he was speaking about. By then he was up to his knees in cheese-cake and up to his multiple eyeballs in distortions and caricatures; and after he worked for a few years in Hollywood and Europe he returned to midtown Manhattan and was working on many photo-based projects.

Weegee tawking, with surprising modesty, (“What I did anybody else can do.”), and unsurprising humor, (“I got up 9 o’clock one night, and I says to myself: I’m gonna take a nice little ride and work up an appetite…”) is truly a treat. Weegee, “truly a great photographer,” was born 118 years ago today, June 12, 1899.

Weegee (1899-1968), Photographer Weegee Disguised as an Ice Cream Peddler in Theater, 1943 (19825.1993)

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Frank Lloyd Wright (June 8, 1867 – April 9, 1959)

Marvin KonerFrank Lloyd Wright, 1958 (3575.1992)

Marvin KonerFrank Lloyd Wright, 1958 (3576.1992)

Marvin Koner, Frank Lloyd Wright and his wife, 1958 (3577.1992)

In honor of Frank Lloyd Wright would have turned 150 years, today.

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A few photos made in, or near, Pittsburgh

Todd Webb (1905-2000), Looking towards Pittsburgh, 1948 (189.1983)

Todd Webb (1905-2000), Street scene and steel mill, Pittsburgh, 1948 (190.1983)

Margaret Bourke-White (1904-1971), Workers leaving at 3 P.M shift at Pittsburgh, PA plant, 1936 (1662.2005)

W. Eugene Smith (1918-1978), [Factory interior with “The Safe Worker is No Sissy, He’s Just Plain Smart!” sign], 1955-1956 (277.2001)

Lewis Hine (1874-1940), Irish stogie-maker, Pittsburgh, 1909 (2006.55.19)

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